Thursday, April 27, 2017


APRIL 25 , 2017...


Investiture Ceremony...

The Investiture Ceremony is a platform to showcase the leadership skills and abilities of our students and is the most prestigious ceremony in the schedule of school events.

The Investiture ceremony for 2016-17 was held  in the school. The day began with the chanting of GAYATRI MANTRA...

It was a solemn occasion where the newly elected Council Members were all prepared to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibilities entrusted upon them by the school.

  The newly elected School Council comprising the Head boy, Head girl, Deputy Head boy / girl , Secretary , Floor Incharges House Prefects , Captains and Vice Captains  marched smartly onto the stage to the beat of the drum.

The house incharges and teachers also marched ahead depicting the house colours and handed the house flags to principal ma'am..

Our Principal ma'am  presented the newly elected Council Members titled sashes and badges. The newly elected office bearers took the oath and pledged to work earnestly and uphold the honour and glory of the school.

Our Principal ma'am addressed the assemblage and spoke  on leadership qualities, values and devotion to be shown by the students .

  The programme concluded with the singing of the National Song. It was a memorable occasion for the young leaders as they looked forward to a new, eventful and enriching academic year.


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